Living the dream

Living the dream
Visiting grandmas farm.

Monday, January 14, 2008

animal dilemmas

I am faced with two animal dilemmas. I have way too many dogs already and can’t afford to care for another. But there is this dog that’s been tied in a vacant field all year. Someone comes and gives it food and water from time to time and it has a house of sorts, the house has lost the north wall, not good in winter. It is a large mixed breed adult dog.

I don’t know why someone thinks this is a good situation for the dog. I suppose they live somewhere where they can’t have one. I have never seen anyone there but a neighbor that lives closer has seen people feeding it. No one knows how to contact these people. If I call animal control they will come and take the dog probably. But then he will go to the animal shelter and be held in a cage, scared to death until he’s put to death. So he lives a sort of half life tied to a tree with no one around or he dies. Poor choices. At least outside he can hear and see things and probably isn’t scared. He’s thin but not starving.

I guess I can try and make his home a bit better if he will let me. I just can’t bring him here as I am stretched to the limit with dogs, and my dogs love to fight strange dogs.

My second problem is the lamb Taco. I never dreamed a lamb could be this much trouble.
I tried taking him out to visit his relatives but he was scared to death and kept trying to get through the fence to his dog friends. That’s the only time I have seen him scared. Inside nothing fazes him. He climbs, jumps, chews and is generally destructive. If you swat him with a newspaper he takes it as a challenge and comes at you harder.

He especially won’t leave me alone. I can’t read a paper, he pulls it out of my hand or he jumps on me. When he takes a flying leap and lands on you it hurts. This seems cute but after a while you can tell he is just doing it to get your attention so you will chase or otherwise interact with him. That’s ok, I’ll play for a while but it wears on the nerves. He leaps and runs through the house with his dog friends chasing him. He is tall enough to reach the tabletop and counters and pulls everything off. He chews electric cords and walls, won’t leave a book or paper in reach until it’s shredded.

Last night in order to watch Comanche Moon without having to get up every 2 minutes to save something I locked him behind a gate in the kitchen. This is not a baby gate but a stout tall piece of metal grate we installed to keep some of our dogs confined. He got a running start and hit it with all his force, buckling it out at the bottom, then crawled through to continue his havoc.

If he can’t pester me or Steve he starts on a dog. He likes to pick on ones he can intimidate, he’s much bigger than them now. He chases them around, biting and pawing at them. He tries to mount our cocker all the time for some reason. He jumps down on them off the top of furniture. He has been bitten a few times, once quite good on the face, but it doesn’t bother him.

I know he knows the word no. He stops what he’s doing for a moment. But he is like an obstinate defiant toddler and goes right back to what he was doing. If you put something out of his reach he keeps trying to find a way to get to it. He knocks my glass over if I set it down and he knows enough not to do it while I’m watching. But if I forget for a moment over it goes. While I was up getting paper towels to clean up my spilled pop last night, he jumped in my recliner and peed on it. I have about had it. I know why sheep are not kept as house pets now.

I tried taking him outside on a leash but he won’t learn to lead, he just about kills himself.
When he is loose he won’t let you catch him. So outside isn’t fun or practical. He doesn’t like it outside. He truly believes he is a house dog.

We do have a large dog carrier that we lock him up in at night but he is fast out growing it. All of our rooms either have things he could destroy or are occupied by other animals.
There is plenty of room in our big barn but he would be alone except for cats. We would also have to go out there to feed him. He hates being alone and would be miserable, but its about to come to that.

My husband suggests lamb chops are quite tasty. I would never eat him but seriously I am thinking about selling him to the next person who comes along and they might. It’s kind of like the dog problem. He can live outside and alone or be eaten.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

January Thaw

In keeping with my New Years resolution to write in this blog more frequently I am writing this. The little lamb Taco has not found a new home yet and he and his dog friend Buddy are terrorizing the house. He will eat a few cheerios from my fingers and will nibble hay. I just don’t know what we are going to do with him as he grows. I can integrate him into the flock when it gets warmer but that will be a while.

Gingers little puppies are barking and growling now. They are three weeks old and so cute as they wobble around. Steve fixed them a little bigger pen today so they can explore safely. They need to be wormed for the first time and started on soft food.

We are having a January thaw already. It is supposed to get near 50 degrees the next couple days but its going to be wet like today. I like it warmer, but the dampness makes everything smell and it looks awful outside. You get rid of all the snow but get mud in its place.

I am busy writing away on my book as the half way deadline is approaching. Hopefully my next advance money can be used to buy another car. I may have to cut my hours back at the Extension office because we got about half of last years numbers for the Master Gardener class this year.

I am getting tons of garden catalogs already and I always sit and make lists of things I would like to have. I watered the plants out on my enclosed but unheated porch today. The geraniums are still blooming and the diasca is blooming again also. The rosemary really seems to like the conditions. But I forgot to move some coleus back to where it’s warmer and I think they are gone.

Inside both my Christmas cacti are blooming quite nicely. One of the plants is very old, it was my grandmothers. You can read my article about Christmas cacti by going to They are wonderful plants that deserve more attention.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Spoiled Lamb

We have had about 8 inches of snow here today in Michigan for the dawning of a new year. Yesterday another sheep had a lamb on our farm and the poor little thing was having a hard time following Mom in the snow. They will soon have a track from the run in barn to the fence where we feed them and it will be easier. I did take some hay to the barn but I don’t know if mom stayed inside with him. We don’t baby these Barbados sheep and they lamb all year in all kinds of weather. I have one more due but I think it will be a few more weeks.

Ok, I said we didn’t baby them but one lamb is sure a baby, the one I brought inside before Christmas as mom abandoned him. Taco is a brat right now. The dogs are pretty used to him and he runs around the house when we are home, which has been a lot the last 2 weeks. He and Buddy, our youngest dog, a Jack Russell Yorky mix male just under a year old, are best buds. Best buds who destroy the house together with wild romps up and over furniture, back and forth all through the house. Taco is taller and helps by pulling things off tables so he and Buddy can chew them up.

He won’t let me sit a glass down, he has to see and taste what’s in it. I can’t read a magazine or book without him trying to eat one end of it. We have brought in hay and grain for him to nibble but so far he likes dog food and animal cookies best. He is on his second $20.00 bag of replacement milk formula and eats more like a horse than a lamb. He is now taller than all our dogs, all legs.

Our daughter in law brought a cousin who had just come home from Iraq with her for Christmas dinner. He probably thought we were nuts with a lamb running through the house. Taco was a little scared of the strangers at first but he was soon showing off for them. Buddy however went outside and hid. I keep threatening to give him away and maybe he thought that was why everyone was here.

My granddaughters fed him his bottle and giggled over the butt washing the dogs give him. We never have to worry about lamb poop hitting the floor, the dogs think its candy. They fight over who gets it. Now if that don’t reveal our redneck side I guess nothing will, dogs who clean up after a lamb who isn’t housebroken.
All in our house at Christmas, but my son and his family are used to it. I’m sure glad we don’t have carpet though, as he pees where ever he wants.

I told my husband that if we could have a lamb this big in the house why not a miniature horse. He thought I was serious at first. Seriously I need to find Taco a home because I don’t think I can eat his little lamb chops now. If the weather was nicer I could leave him outside with his “wild” brother and cousins to play, but he is used to inside conditions and I don’t want to go out there to feed him.

By the end of January though, he will need to find some new place. The puppies will be running around and that is another problem. They are the same age as Taco, born the day before, but much less mobile. We are trying to decide whether to breed the cocker. She is in heat and it is soon or never. I don’t know if I want another cocker litter, the pups are so big and she always has a big litter.
Steve wants some, he loves the cockers and he will be the main caretaker so she may get to visit Bubba.

Why not visit my garden site to see the new things I have written. I ahave articles on Christmas cactus , manzanita, African Violets, and much more. You get there by going to

I hope everyone reading this has a Happy, healthy, peaceful and prosperous 2008.