I wanted to get something written and posted today since it has been a while. When you are writing a book it takes a whole lot of your time. I do have other interests that I follow though; one of them is the octuplets mom and her saga. I was outraged at first like many people, although I would never dream of threatening her or her babies’ lives. What is wrong with some people? Maybe the stupid doctor should get a good beating though.
What fascinates me about the story is that there is something we still don’t know, I smell it. I want to know how she had the money for the in vitro’s and the plastic surgeries, the nanny, the private school for one of her other children etc. I want to know what hold she had on that doctor to get him to continue with the implants even after he was begged not to do it by the sperm donor and the grandmother, and the fact that he risked his medical practice.
It’s obvious that the mother has a serious mental problem and this brings on serious ethical debate. Should the children be taken away from her for their own good? Should people help her with both time and money because they are aiding and abetting her fantasy? But the children will suffer, both new and old, if people don’t help and they are innocent. In my own mind I go back and forth on this topic. Appoint a court guardian to oversee any funds the family receives and order her to undergo mental evaluation and treatment. Make sure she is truly there caring for her brood she created, not out making book and tv deals. Caring for them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the next 18 years., all the family money going for food, housing and medical needs, not mama’s nails or even schooling. And that doctor should be ordered to spend about 40 hours a week helping care for them too, which would teach him.
I wonder if she will even be allowed to stay with her brood. After all its obvious she has committed fraud in a number of ways by withholding income she had stashed some where, income she used for plastic surgery and fertility treatments. Food stamps, student loans, and other state programs she used require that you disclose all income and assets, and have income guidelines. And it appears to me her disability claim was also a fraud. Does she think she won’t go to jail because she has 14 kids under age 7? And hey out there in California- are we investigating this?
I say I wouldn’t buy a book or look at a show that brings her a monetary award - but then I think it might help the kids and hey, I want to know what went on in her mentally ill but clever brain and what type of sleezy deal she had with the doctor. Of course it would probably all be lies, because that’s all we have got out of her so far.
Ok done with that. I need to start planning my summer garden and deciding when to have a certain little boy horse gelded. I need spring, not this snow and cold crap. Too much winter. It was so cold out this morning- teens- even though the sun is shining today. I am worried with all the ups and downs the weather has been doing that as the plants start breaking dormancy a lot of things are going to be damaged. It’s the end of the season that hurts them generally.
Will there be a vegetable garden on the white house lawn? Some people are lobbying for it. Is the president strong enough to overlook any racist connotation some people might give that? Maybe if they don’t plant collards and watermelon. I think it would be lovely. Everyone needs to turn their lawn into a garden. And hey didn’t that guy promise his kids a dog? Where’s the dog? Just not a pitbull unless he really wants to stereotype himself.
It’s a good thing I have a good book to read tonight. Stupid Oscars, rich people giving awards to other rich people will mess up tv viewing all night. I can never understand why the public is so interested in the movie industry employee of the year awards program. All that wasted money. Think what good it could do. Shame on people that watch this junk.
Go away February.
Living the dream

Visiting grandmas farm.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Kill deer-tax cell phones
We had a couple nice days here lately, with temps above freezing a bit, enough to make me think of spring and get the urge to wander outside a bit in the sun. The sun was great but the knee high snow soon put an end to my exploring. That will wear you out faster than a treadmill.
I noticed the deer have been up in the yard and exploring all around my gardens, no bad damage yet. I think they may be jumping into the horse pasture to finish up any left over hay. Our neighbor hit a deer on her way home from work Sunday. It shook her up and damaged her car pretty good. I think the state should have to pay for deer damage to cars. After all, they own the wildlife and make the rules about hunting them. If their loose animals damage cars then they need to pay. I also think that those that intentionally feed the deer, despite a state ban on feeding, should be responsible for part of the damage bill when deer damage things like cars close to their home. They are encouraging them to collect near the spot.
With all the hungry people and all the damage deer do to cars and landscapes you would think more people would be hollering at the government to control the herds. Just think of all the venison some sharp shooters could donate to food kitchens. Instead people get emotional every time a plan to kill excess deer is attempted. If deer had long naked tails and beady eyes like rats then the hue and cry for exterminating them would raise the roof.
Deer carry disease just like rats and just like rats they do a lot of damage when they are out of control. People are more likely to die or be injured because of a deer, than a rat. But beauty counts in this world still.
Ok, lets go further into that beauty kills thing. With all the people out of work and losing their homes, getting food from soup kitchens, do you think they stop buying make up to smear on their faces and jewelry to hang on their bodies. Nope. Women still buy hair dye and even pay to have their hair and nails done when they are losing the house and their kids are hungry. And its not just women, men buy some of that stuff too, expensive aftershave lotions, tattoos- there’s another money waster. When I think of some of the dollars that some tattooed idiot in the commodity food line wasted it makes me want to scream.
And cell phones- don’t get me started. Every article on saving money should start with GET RID OF THE CELL PHONES. You are not serious about spending less unless you do this.
I can’t believe how much money people spend each month to call someone from the grocery store to say “What’s Up? A cell phone is nice to have for emergencies. Buy a simple phone with pre-paid minutes and keep it turned off unless you have an emergency. If you are going down in an airplane disaster, or trapped in a crumbling building or attacked by wolves your emergency cell phone is there to use. An emergency is not that you are bored or want to show someone how popular you are. Money is spent for special ring tones- ring tones- how important is that? Special colored covers, little ear plugs, all kinds of cutesy accessories. Phones that play games, phones that show tv and take pictures. If you are rich then get the toy. If you are using food stamps and have no job then you don’t need expensive toys. Most people today can’t really afford those toys if they are honest with themselves.
Yes I know some people have replaced their home phones with cell phones. But they almost always fall victim to advertising and wanna be rich syndrome and buy phone plans that allow them to yak all over town for some outrageous amount, way more than a land line plan. Kids do not need cell phones. No, they don’t, they managed just fine without them 15 years ago. If there is some outstanding reason they might need an emergency phone get them one that only calls 911. No teenager that drives should ever have a phone that does more than call 911. Talk about spending money on something to die for. There should be a law like there is a seatbelt/carseat law because their parents are too stupid to protect them.
I think there should be a big tax on each minute of cell phone use. That would rake in the bucks, even just one cent per minute of a call or 5 per transmitted picture. Cell phones are a luxury for most people. Just like beer and cigarettes. If they are legitimately used for work there could be a tax credit.
Whew- I’m done. We’ll talk about cable TV another day.
I noticed the deer have been up in the yard and exploring all around my gardens, no bad damage yet. I think they may be jumping into the horse pasture to finish up any left over hay. Our neighbor hit a deer on her way home from work Sunday. It shook her up and damaged her car pretty good. I think the state should have to pay for deer damage to cars. After all, they own the wildlife and make the rules about hunting them. If their loose animals damage cars then they need to pay. I also think that those that intentionally feed the deer, despite a state ban on feeding, should be responsible for part of the damage bill when deer damage things like cars close to their home. They are encouraging them to collect near the spot.
With all the hungry people and all the damage deer do to cars and landscapes you would think more people would be hollering at the government to control the herds. Just think of all the venison some sharp shooters could donate to food kitchens. Instead people get emotional every time a plan to kill excess deer is attempted. If deer had long naked tails and beady eyes like rats then the hue and cry for exterminating them would raise the roof.
Deer carry disease just like rats and just like rats they do a lot of damage when they are out of control. People are more likely to die or be injured because of a deer, than a rat. But beauty counts in this world still.
Ok, lets go further into that beauty kills thing. With all the people out of work and losing their homes, getting food from soup kitchens, do you think they stop buying make up to smear on their faces and jewelry to hang on their bodies. Nope. Women still buy hair dye and even pay to have their hair and nails done when they are losing the house and their kids are hungry. And its not just women, men buy some of that stuff too, expensive aftershave lotions, tattoos- there’s another money waster. When I think of some of the dollars that some tattooed idiot in the commodity food line wasted it makes me want to scream.
And cell phones- don’t get me started. Every article on saving money should start with GET RID OF THE CELL PHONES. You are not serious about spending less unless you do this.
I can’t believe how much money people spend each month to call someone from the grocery store to say “What’s Up? A cell phone is nice to have for emergencies. Buy a simple phone with pre-paid minutes and keep it turned off unless you have an emergency. If you are going down in an airplane disaster, or trapped in a crumbling building or attacked by wolves your emergency cell phone is there to use. An emergency is not that you are bored or want to show someone how popular you are. Money is spent for special ring tones- ring tones- how important is that? Special colored covers, little ear plugs, all kinds of cutesy accessories. Phones that play games, phones that show tv and take pictures. If you are rich then get the toy. If you are using food stamps and have no job then you don’t need expensive toys. Most people today can’t really afford those toys if they are honest with themselves.
Yes I know some people have replaced their home phones with cell phones. But they almost always fall victim to advertising and wanna be rich syndrome and buy phone plans that allow them to yak all over town for some outrageous amount, way more than a land line plan. Kids do not need cell phones. No, they don’t, they managed just fine without them 15 years ago. If there is some outstanding reason they might need an emergency phone get them one that only calls 911. No teenager that drives should ever have a phone that does more than call 911. Talk about spending money on something to die for. There should be a law like there is a seatbelt/carseat law because their parents are too stupid to protect them.
I think there should be a big tax on each minute of cell phone use. That would rake in the bucks, even just one cent per minute of a call or 5 per transmitted picture. Cell phones are a luxury for most people. Just like beer and cigarettes. If they are legitimately used for work there could be a tax credit.
Whew- I’m done. We’ll talk about cable TV another day.
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