places around the world in the first week of January except to say I don't
think its coincidence or fireworks. There were also several incidences of
bird and fish die offs in late December that were not widely reported.
Fireworks as a cause is laughable. Fireworks displays go off thousands of
times a year and birds don't die. And why would only Red Winged Blackbirds
die? Why not other birds? I think even the most scientifically challenged
can rule fireworks out as a cause, despite several so called officials
telling us that's the answer.
Then there's biblical prophecy. Of course God can do anything but why would
he pick certain species in certain places and not one event consisting of
all species of birds or fish across the world? Much more scary.
It's the picking of a species - Red Winged Blackbirds, turtle doves, and so
forth that bothers me. Natural causes don't work this way. I haven't been
able to find out whether only male Red Winged blackbirds were killed. All
the pictures show the black bodied bird with red wing patches. That's the
male. Females and young birds are brown with brown and white striped
bellies. If it was only males then that is extra odd.
Laboratory results seem to rule out disease and poisoning. The blue tissue
around the mouth of the doves that died in Italy appears to be from lack of
oxygen. That happens when your neck breaks or your lungs explode. Cause
of death seems to be trauma from falling out of the sky- at least in the
birds or maybe asphyxiation first then trauma. That's almost certainly
true- but what caused them to fall or explode internally?
Weather events once again don't pick certain species. So I think we can
rule out tornados and microbursts. But weather certainly may have been a
factor. It's more plausible in the case of fish dying from unusual cold but
then again why one species? Many species are cold sensitive. I am not a
fish expert so I don't know if the species that died were even susceptible
to death from cold.
Polar magnetic shift is being blamed but once again that should affect more
than one species in a small area. Sunspots and such would also affect more
than one species at a time. Gas such as methane would kill more than one
species. The limiting of the events to a species at a time is the key here.
I think what we can safely surmise is that these events were caused
accidentally or deliberately by something men did. ( Some people think
extraterrestrials may also have done it but I'm passing on that theory.)
There are several interesting ideas floating around. All kinds of "waves"
are being tested in secret private and military bases around the word, radio
waves, microwaves, something called Placer energy waves and other things.
Current technology seems to be trying to focus on being able to use these
energy wave weapons to target specific species, probably man, but why not
try it out on a few birds at first?
And some pesticide company, maybe one that already has many specie specific
pesticides out there may be trying to use energy waves, sound waves or
something to target pest birds, which the bird species that we have heard
about are considered to be. Kill the blackbirds leave the cardinals.
It could be that the microwaves, sound waves, radio waves or what ever were
supposed to be doing other less lethal things like pinging aliens but were
deflected or amplified by abnormal weather conditions or some feature of the
landscape. Once again we have the problem of a single species at a time
Black birds and doves do use special brain areas to coordinate flocking
behavior so I suppose a "wave" that disrupted this function might leave
other species which don't flock unharmed. And these birds do roost close
together so a very small "leak" or reflection of some kind might result in
one species dying because that's where it hit. That's back to coincidence-
hmmmmn - maybe that's what officials mean by coincidence.
The sad result is that we will probably never know the answer. Whether its
cover up or just ignorance we'll probably never know- hey is there a
wiki-leak on this?